
Monthly Update – October

By Chapter News

With Homecoming, Fall Fest, and Midterms, it’s an all out scramble to ensure that everything is done on-time and done well. With this in mind, the month of October was big in terms of ensuring that we had maximum campus involvement. With Homecoming, the brothers came together and had much fun across campus playing various games, eating pies, and painting the sidewalk. Brother Joel Huck managed to win the pie eating contest handily and walked away with a $50 gift card. Brothers Zach Brown, Travis Riddle, and James Gamage also went out and painted and designed our sidewalk art this year. There was also much other fun to be had with events that week. To top it off, we had our annual Homecoming tailgate. Always a blast, actives get to meet alumni, and alumni get to meet actives. Trine even managed to beat Alma for a Homecoming victory.

As for the more internal operations of the chapter, we finally made the transition to Friday Night Cider & S’mores to accommodate for the colder weather. This was met with moderate success, but with several ideas and lessons learned, we plan on improving the event further to increase attendance. We are also continuing to host weekly events like Smash Night, Movie Night, and others. These events are still met with good success. Midterms, however, are fantastic with our average being around a 3.3. We’ve worked with problem individuals personally to improve their problem classes as well as taking measures to encourage seeing help sessions, a tutor, or the professor.

Brotherhood is at an all-time high this semester as well with a handful of brotherhood events being well-received. Brother Austin Nault planned a new and improved lock-in with fun events and prizes. Generous donations from Alumni Vince Arizzi helped fund this event. Brother Nault also planned an Acacia Olympics with goofy prizes. All around the brothers loved the event and gave some tips on how to improve it in the future. However, we still strive to improve our brotherhood and be the best we can be, internally and externally.

Last, but not least, brothers finally received their individual composites as well as the chapter large composite. Brothers are encouraged to get their composites and proudly display them on their walls. Alumni that are included in the composite from last year are welcome to get them with their payment.

That’s all for this months update! Pictures are down below.